Trusted experts in all forms of safety and security, available 24/7.

Nurse Call Systems

Nurse Call System is a primary form of emergency communication between patients and medical staff in hospitals, nursing homes and assisted living facilities. It ensures patient’s access to timely care which is crucial during an emergency situation. It also improves the quality of care and enhances overall patient satisfaction.

Our Nurse Call Systems have call forwarding options which are easy to integrate and can allow staff to move around whilst being able to use their wireless handsets to make internal calls. If a patient triggers an alarm, the display immediately identifies to the staff where the patient is located – this can significantly reduce the time it takes to reach a patient in an emergency.

It is vital that Nurse Call Systems remain operational at all times and to ensure this they must be serviced and maintained regularly. We provide a range of Nurse Call Systems which are accessible by all, reliable and of high quality and our team will be happy to help you design the best system for your staff, service users and premises.
Nurse Call Systems banner
Nurse Call System attached on the wall
Reception Entry Phone System

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